Thursday, November 5, 2009

Shaping Youngs Minds: Managing Career Expectation

on 24th of October, Lucknow Management Association & ALl India Management Association has organized a program 'Shaping Youngs Minds: Managing Career Expectation' in Sangeet natak Acadamy Auditorium, Lucknow. The program was a intetractionery and 6 icons from business world, media & politics were there. The icons were
1. Mr. Arun Shouri
2. Mr. Suhas Gopinath
3. Ms. Anu Tondon
4. Ms. Meera H. Sanyal
5. Mr. Prabhu Chawla
6. Mr. Sachin Pilot

Really program was very useful for shaping young minds. In each session 8 manaement students from various colleges was on the dice and they raised their queries. The icon very promptly & likely handled the question & answer accordingly.
